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Lab 9: Dynamic Programming

Longest common subsequence

A subsequence is a sequence that can be derived from another sequence by deleting some elements without changing the order of the remaining elements. For example, the sequence <B,D,E> is a subsequence of <A,B,C,D,E,F>. They should not be confused with substring which is a refinement of subsequence.

The longest common subsequence (LCS) between two string is the longest subsequence common to both the strings.

For example, given two DNA strands:

Dynamic Programming

Dynamic programming is a method for solving complex problems by breaking them down into simpler subproblems. It is applicable to problems exhibiting the properties of overlapping subproblems and optimal substructure. When applicable, the method takes far less time than naive methods (ie, DFS) that don't take advantage of the subproblem overlap.

The idea behind dynamic programming is quite simple. In general, to solve a given problem, we need to solve different parts of the problem (subproblems), then combine the solutions of the subproblems to reach an overall solution. Often when using a more naive method, many of the subproblems are generated and solved many times. The dynamic programming approach seeks to solve each subproblem only once, thus reducing the number of computations: once the solution to a given subproblem has been computed, it is stored or "memo-ized": the next time the same solution is needed, it is simply looked up. This approach is especially useful when the number of repeating subproblems grows exponentially as a function of the size of the input.

The first step to solve a problem is to divide it into subproblem. For the LCS problem, we can do it the following way:

For the two string s1[0....m] and s2[0....n], for any two indices p(0≤p≤m) for s1 and q(0≤q≤n) for s2, we can divide the problem LCS[p][q] (which says get me the length of LCS of s1 and s2 starting from 0 to p and 0 to q respectively) the following way:

We will start from the end to the start. The first call should be LCS[m][n]. The subproblems are:
LCS[p][q] = 1 + LCS[p-1][q-1], if s1[p]==s2[q], which implies that if s1[p] and s2[q] matches, we already got a match, we will take that match (thus the addition with 1) and get the LCS length of the remaining string (thus the decreasing the indices of both the string).

In case s1[p] and s2[q] are different we need to try with two different way, decreasing either one of the indices and keep the rest index as it is and take the maximum.
LCS[p][q] = max(LCS[p-1][q], LCS[p][q-1]). We are taking the max one because we are looking for longest common subsequence.

And the base case would be LCS[p][q]=0 if either p or q is less than zero.

We can formulate the problem the following way:
LCS(p, q)
	if p==-1 or q ==-1	// base case
		return 0

	if s1[p] == s2[q]	// match case
		return 1 + LCS(p-1, q-1)			
		return MAX( LCS(p-1, q), LCS(p, q-1) )


A same subproblem may be called many times. For example, LCS[2][4] can be called from LCS[2][5], LCS[3][4] and LCS[3][5]. Again these 3 subproblems can be called many times from other subproblems. So, rather than calculating LCS[2][4] everytime, we can remember the value so that we can use them next times the same problem is called. This technique is called memoization (not memorization). Without memoization, dynamic program would run in exponential time.

Here we are modifying the previous code to allow memoization, we are using a global CACHE[0...m][0...n].
Initialize full CACHE[][] with -1
LCS(p, q)
	if p==-1 or q ==-1	// base case
		return 0
	if CACHE[p][q] not equal -1 // this subproblem is already solved, return the cached value from here
		return CACHE[p][q]
	if s1[p] == s2[q]	// match case
		return CACHE[p][q] = 1 + LCS(p-1, q-1)			
		return CACHE[p][q] = MAX( LCS(p-1, q), LCS(p, q-1) )

Tracing the result

The LCS[m][n] would give us the length of the LCS. But how do we find out the exact LCS string? For LCS problem, we are dividing a problem into three subproblem. We will need to mark every time which subproblem we are choosing. The three subproblems are 1)match case, 2)decrease s1 and 3)decrease s2. We will use another matrix array Direction[0...m][0...n] and mark the result the following way:
Initialize full CACHE[][] with -1
Initialize full Direction[][] with -1
LCS(p, q)
	if p==-1 or q ==-1	// base case
		return 0
	if CACHE[p][q] not equal -1 // this subproblem is already solved, return the cached value from here
		return CACHE[p][q]
	if s1[p] == s2[q]	// match case
		Direction[p][q] = MATCH_CASE
		return CACHE[p][q] = 1 + LCS(p-1, q-1)	

		v1 = LCS(p-1, q)
		v2 = LCS(p, q-1)
		if v1 > v2	// decrease s1 case
			Direction[p][q] = DECREASE_FIRST_STRING
			CACHE[p][q] = v1 
		else		// decrease s2 case
			Direction[p][q] = DECREASE_SECOND_STRING
			CACHE[p][q] = v2
		return CACHE[p][q]
After all the marking of direction done, we can print the LCS with calling PrintPath(m, n):
PrintPath(p, q)
	if Direction[p][q] == MATCH_CASE	
		PrintPath(p-1, q-1)
		print(s1[p]) // or print(s2[q]) they are same
	elseif Direction[p][q] == DECREASE_FIRST_STRING
		PrintPath(p-1, q)

	elseif Direction[p][q] == DECREASE_SECOND_STRING
		PrintPath(p, q-1)