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Lab 7: Huffman code and data compression

For this lab, all students must have a good grasp on priority queue, pointer and tree traversing.

Huffman code

Given a text file containing only letters a, b, c, d, e, f with the following frequencies:

a, 45000 times, 45 KB
b, 13000 times, 13 KB
c, 12000 times, 12 KB
d, 16000 times, 16 KB
e, 9000 times, 9 KB
f, 5000 times, 5 KB

The file will take space of 100KB.

Rather than putting 1B for each character, we can allocate a few bits for each character to compress the file. Huffman algorithm effectively generates prefix code for the given characters frequency. The prefix codes are bit codes such that no codeword can be prefix of another codeword.

In the example above, if we run Huffman algorithm, we will get the following prefix codes:
a - 0, 1 bit
b - 101, 3 bits
c - 100, 3 bits
d - 111, 3 bits
e - 1101, 4 bits
f - 1100, 4 bits

Here the size of the file will be much lower. No codeword is a prefix of another codeword, for that reason the codewords such as 1, 10, 11 etc are not used. Getting prefix codewords also helps to decode the file. For example, if the compressed binary data is 01111011100 we will know that the original decompressed data was adbf (0-111-101-1100).

In this lab, you will be given character frequencies and will be required to generate the prefix code of the characters using Huffman algorithm.
The Huffman algorithm is given below:
HUFFMAN(C: list of characters with frequency)
	n = length(C)
	PriorityQueue PQ = C
	for i = 1 to n-1
		create a new node z
		z.left = x = EXTRACT_MIN(PQ)
		z.right = y = EXTRACT_MIN(PQ)
		z.freq = x.freq + y.freq
	return EXTRACT_MIN(PQ)	// return the root of the tree

The tree node can be initiated like this
typedef struct node_struct
	char symbol;
	int freq;
	struct node_struct *left;
	struct node_struct *right;
} Node;

To maintain the priority queue, we can use C++ priority_queue, a sample code with priority queue for this Node structure given below, students are suggested to be familiar with working with priority queue with structure.
	#include <stdio.h>
	#include <queue>

	using namespace std;

	typedef struct node_struct
		char symbol;
		int freq;
		struct node_struct *left;
		struct node_struct *right;
	} Node;

	struct NodeCompare
		bool operator()(const Node &n1, const Node &n2) const
			return n1.freq > n2.freq;

	int main()
		int n = 6;
		Node nodeList[6] = {	
					{'a', 45, NULL, NULL},
					{'b', 13, NULL, NULL},
					{'c', 12, NULL, NULL},
					{'d', 16, NULL, NULL},
					{'e', 9, NULL, NULL},
					{'f', 5, NULL, NULL}
		std::priority_queue<Node, vector<Node>, NodeCompare> PQ;
		for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
			Node t;
			t =; 			// Getting the min item, the item still stays in the Queue		
			PQ.pop(); 			// Popping out this item
			printf("%c %d\n", t.symbol, t.freq);
		return 0;

The output of this sample program is:
f 5
e 9
c 12
b 13
d 16
a 45

The node was extracted according to there minimum freq value as we defined in the NodeCompare structure.
We can extract a node t and put the values in our own created node x the following way, it is always a good idea not to work with a priority_queue item once it has been popped out. We should copy the popped out item values and forget it.
	// Our created new Node, we could also use malloc() to create this
	Node *x = new Node;
	Node t;
	t =; 			// Getting the min item, the item still stays in the Queue		
	PQ.pop(); 			// Popping out this item		
	// Copying t value into our created x node, we will not work anymore with t after this point
	x->symbol = t.symbol;
	x->freq = t.freq;
	x->left = t.left;
	x->right = t.right;

Finally after the tree has been build we can print out the codewords the following way:
	CALL printTree(Root, 0);
	global character array codeword
	printTree(T, depth)
		if (T.symbol is not 0)
			print "Codeword for <T.symbol> is <codeword>"
		codeword[depth] := "0"
		printTree(Left of T, depth+1)
		codeword[depth] := "1"
		printTree(Right of T, depth+1)