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Lab 5: Bucket sort with linked list

For this lab, all students must have a good grasp on linked list.

Random number generation

The following function generates and assign random numbers within the range (0,1) to the array with n elements
#include <stdlib.h>

void generateRandomNumbers(double a[], int n)
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		// rand() generates a random number from 0 to RAND_MAX, defined in <stdlib.h>
		// After the division with RAND_MAX, the array will have random value within (0,1)
		a[i] = rand() / (double)RAND_MAX;

Linked List

We will use one way linked list in this exercise with a floating point value and a pointer to the next node of the linked list. A generic node can be created this way:
typedef struct node_struct
	double d;
	struct node_struct *next;
} node;
An array of node pointers can be created and initialized with NULL the following way which can be used in a bucker sort.
node *B[100];
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
	B[i] = NULL;
Now we have n node pointers that we can use for creating n separated linked lists.
The following function takes a value and inserts it into the index-th linked list.
void insert(double value, int index, node *B[])
	// This function insert a new node with value into the B[index] linked list. The function 
	// inserts the new node in the correct place of the linked list so that the link list is sorted
	node *t;
	if (B[index] == NULL)
		// No elements in the linked list, create and insert the node at the beginning of the list
		t = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node));
		t -> d = value;
		t -> next = NULL;
		B[index] = t;
		// Take two pointers p0 and p1. p0 always stays one node behind p1
		// The new node t will be inserted either on the end of the linked list
		// or before a node that has a value greater than the new node value.
		node *p0, *p1;		
		p0 = B[index];
		p1 = p0 -> next;
		while(p1 != NULL)
			if (p1 -> d > value)
				// This p1 node	has greater value than the new node
				// that will be created and inserted shortly
			// Advance both node pointer one node ahead to compare with next element in the linked list
			p1 = p1 -> next;
			p0 = p0 -> next;
		// Create new node t and insert at the appropriate place
		t = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node));
		t -> d = value;
		t -> next = p1;
		p0 -> next = t;

Bucket Sort

Bucket sort sorts number drawn from uniform distribution in O(n) time. Bucket sort divides the input numbers (0,1) into n equal sized separate slot (i.e a linked list) and maps the values to a slot and insert the value into that slot (i.e linked list). Each linked list maintain a sorted order by inserting all values with insertion sort.

	let B[0...n-1] be a new array
	n = A.length
	for i = 0 to n-1
		make B[i] an empty list
	for i = 1 to n
		insert A[i] into the slot B[index] in sorted order using insertion sort, where index=floor(n*A[i])
	print out the list values of B[0...n-1] to output the sorted numbers