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Bubble sort is a popular sorting algorithm, by swapping the two neighboring element in reverse order repeatly. [ 0 ][ 1 ]...[ i ][ i+1 ]..[ n-1 ][ n ]
Pseudo Code:
input: array A BubbleSort(A) { for (int j = 0 ; j < length(A);j++) for (int i = 0 ;i < length(A)-1-j;i++) if A[i] > A[i+1] /*for the jth time, let the jth largest element go to the tail*/ swap(A[i],A[i+1]) }Complexity:O(n^2)
The basic idea of insert sort is: for each run, the ith run, i.e. find out the ith smallest ( or largest) element and insert it into the ith position.
Pseudo Code: input: array A InsertSort(A) { int hold; /* get the element to be sorted( seeking a right place to place it)*/ for ( int i =1; i < length(A); i++) hold = array[i]; /*get a copy of the element to be sorted*/ /*****find a position to insert that element*****/ /* if the current element, that is array[j-1] is larger than "hold", then move array[j-1] backward*/ /*leaving the position for "hold" or the element even smaller than "hold"*/ /* if the current element array[j-1]is smaller than "hold", since the elements before array[j-1] are already sorted,*/ /*just stop, since "hold" is already in the right place*/ /*repeat this process*/ for (int j =i ; j > 0 and array[j-1] > hold;j--) { array[j] = array[j-1]; } array[j] = hold; }
Merge sort is a classical example for divide-and-conquer algorithm. It is composed of two parts: divide the task into units and then solve & merge each of them, in recursive manner.
First take a look at the recursion part:
MergeSort( array, begin, start)
mid = 0;
if (begin < end)
mid = (begin+end)/2;
Now take a close look at how Merge( ) works:
Merge (array, begin, mid, end)
/*first part of the array*/
begin1 = begin;
end1 = mid;
/*second part of the array*/
begin2 = mid +1;
end2 = end;
int temp[] /* store the sorted two parts*/
foreach p <- begin1 to end1 and q <- begin2 to end2
if array[p] < array[q]
copy array[p] to temp
copy array[q] to temp
/*deal with the last elements still left in the first or second part of array*/
if the first part is not empty
copy all the left elements to temp
else if the second part is not empty
copy all the left elemetns to temp
copy each element in temp to array, starting from index = low ;