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Lab 12: All Pair Shortest Path

Given a weighted directed graph, an all pair shortest path algorithm finds out the shortest path between any two vertices. Unlike a single pair shortest path algorithm which finds out the shortest path from a single source, an all pair shortest path algorithm is able to find out shortest path from any vertices to any other vertices.

Floyd-Warshall Algorithm

Floyd-Warshall algorithm is a dynamic algorithm to find out all pair shortest paths. It works even with negative-weight edges. Only constraint is that there must not be any negative weight cycle, otherwise the shortest path distances would be minus infinity.

If w(i,j) is the weight of the edge between vertices i and j, we can define shortestPath(i, j, k + 1) in terms of the following recursive formula:
the base case is:
ShortestPath(i, j, 0) = w(i, j)

And the recursive case is:
ShortestPath(i,j,k) = min(ShortestPath(i,j,k-1), ShortestPath(i,k,k-1) + ShortestPath(k,j,k-1))

This formula is the heart of the Floyd–Warshall algorithm. The algorithm works by first computing shortestPath(i, j, k) for all (i, j) pairs for k = 0, then k = 1, etc. This process continues until k = n-1, and we have found the shortest path for all (i, j) pairs using any intermediate vertices.

The Floyd-Warshall algorithm is given below:
	V = no of nodes
	E = no of edges
	initialize all D[V][V] = INF
	For each i = 1 to V
		D[i][i] = 0		
	For each edge (u,v,weight)
		D[u][v] = weight
	For k from 1 to V
		For i from 1 to V
			For j from 1 to V
				IF D[i][j] > D[i][k] + D[k][j] 
					D[i][j] = D[i][k] + D[k][j]      

Tracking shortest path

We need another 2D array intermediate[V][V] to track the shortest path. intermediate[u][v] = k implies that to go to v from u, we need to go to k first. Shortest path with path tracking algorithm is given below:
	V = no of nodes
	E = no of edges
	initialize all D[V][V] = INF
	initialize all intermediate[u][v] to null
	For each i = 1 to V
		D[i][i] = 0		
	For each edge (u,v,weight)
		D[u][v] = weight
		intermediate[u][v] = v
	For k from 1 to V
		For i from 1 to V
			For j from 1 to V
				IF D[i][j] > D[i][k] + D[k][j] 
					D[i][j] = D[i][k] + D[k][j]      
					intermediate[i][j] = k
PrintPath(u, v)
	IF intermediate[u][v] is NULL
	IF intermediate[u][v] == v	
		print v
	PrintPath(u, intermediate[u][v])
	PrintPath(intermediate[u][v], v)